After I read the article that was The Allegory of the Cave, I tried to think about that what i belive in. In the article, there are two parts of world. One of the world is that prisoners are living in cave are ignorte and do not know about anything , just imagine what about the world. And the other world is real world. I wonder where I was in Plato's cave. I think i was one of the prisoners, because i was afraid of trying something new. Even I was scared come to other countries. In my case, Actually i was negative person before i came to new york. When my parents said why dont you go the other countries for studying? I could not say anything, becase I was scared and I think negative things like if i go to other countries for studying, i would not achieve my goal, and just would spend a lot of money in other countries. So, I rejected the my parents' opinion. But, there was no my futuer in Korea, because i did not study well in school, i was not intersting of my life. i tried to think deeply about my life. After then i changed my mind. I think i tried to belive in that If I think positive things, every thing will be good. And before trying to new things, never know. So, now i am living in real world. after i came to new york , i learned a lot of things, and i am being positive person.
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